In Bed With... Ashley of UNWRP

Ashley of UNWRP, a bespoke stationery company, differs from our other In Bed With founder interviewees in that she has a full-time 9-5 job (at ESSENCE, no less!). We admire her "just start" attitude and her drive.   

Woman in hat standing behind table with wrapping paperin home design studio

Name: Ashley L. Fouyolle
Location: Jersey City/New York City
Current gig: Sr. Digital Designer @ Essence + Founder of UNWRP a bespoke luxury stationery company

Sum up your mission: Beautify the world one design at a time.
IG handle / website: @unwrp /
First job: Sales Associate at an off-price cosmetics store
Proudest moment? (so far…): Being featured on News12 Brooklyn
One word that best describes how you work: Clean

Framed print of four women's faces with closed eyes

What software/tools/apps are you relying on?

Adobe Suite, Numbers (Apple’s version of Excel), and Instagram

Favorite book you can read over and over?

How to Steal like an Artist

How to Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon book cover

Favorite podcast?

The Friend Zone

What's your best time-saving hack?

Deleting Instagram

What's the best advice you've ever received?


What do you wish you knew before embarking on this journey?


Learning and finding solutions excites me. It’s like putting together a puzzle...there are no instructions. It’s up to you to complete the picture.

Basket of rolled up wrapping paper

What was your upbringing like and how did it affect your point of view, career path, etc?

Growing up my father was an entrepreneur; at one point owning a two restaurants, an ice cream parlor, and a hair salon all at once. So to grow up in that environment I always knew I wanted to work for myself. He showed us that whatever you imagined having, you could make it possible. I still live like this to this day.

What did you do in your ‘past life’ (aka previous jobs, gigs, etc)?

From the age of 14-24 I worked in retail for several fashion brands. Once I graduated with my Bachelor's degree I started interning/working in my field.

What’s a big misconception about entrepreneurship?

A big misconception about entrepreneurship is that you need a huge capital to begin. Just start. The more excuses you make and start to believe are all the excuses that will stop you from ever beginning.

Two women standing and holding boxes wrapped in colorful fabric in home design studio

What do you do when life overwhelms you? How do you decompress?

If the budget allows for it, I take a weekend trip. I own a home studio so sometimes I need to leave the state to get away. A cost-effective option is ice cream!

What does your support system look like?

My partner is my support system. He hears all the complaints, sees all the tears, and is always there to talk me off the ledge.

What surprised you most about your journey?

I could have never imagined that my little “small business” would be as big as it is.

The other day I was recognized in the post office and it was so surreal. “You own that wrapping paper company?! I am so proud of you. You’re such an inspiration.” I couldn't believe it. I was so shocked I didn’t know how to respond.

What’s in store for 2019 for you? 

UNWRP will become BIGGER & BETTER. I can’t say how just yet, but there are some big things in the works for Q3.

My ideal # of hours of sleep is: 12 hours
Sleep season for me is: Dec 26 - Jan 2
How many pillows: 3
AM or PM?: PM
Bad sleep habit: Going to bed with my phone by my side
Good sleep habit: Leaving all electronics on the other side of the room
Side/back/stomach sleeper: All three… I’m a tosser

Get Sh*t Done.