6 Easy Ways to Make your Evening Bath a Luxurious Experience this Fall

At the end of a long, hard workday, all you want to do is come home and wash away the stress and tension. Most people will opt for the quick and efficient shower, but if true relaxation is what you’d prefer, a hot, luxurious bath is the way to go. In our modern society, everything is moving at the speed of light. But as we start moving into the colder months, now is the perfect time to slow down, take a breather, and practice self-care. Here are six tips to amplify the rejuvenation and achieve the optimal comfort of the evening bath.

A claw footed bathtub filled with sparkly water and a cloud hovering above it

1. Turn Off Your Cell Phone

Almost everyone owns a cell phone, and we get it – it's an escape in itself. The problem with them, however, is that they can cause a great deal of unnecessary stress. The emails, the notifications, the feeds are precisely designed by the top class engineers for you to spend as much time on them as possible. The goal of self-care time is to focus on YOU and not the noise outside in the world so the best thing you can do is to put your smartphone to the side while you’re soaking away. That way you won’t be tempted to check your work emails or browse through social media, an activity that can often make people feel stressed and upset. Turn your cell phone off or silence it and set it aside before drawing your bath and you’re much more likely to feel soothed and refreshed.

2. Add Bath Salts And Oils

No cozy bath would be complete without the addition of bath salts and oils. The use of bath salts within a hot bath can improve circulation, relax muscles, reduce stress and anxiety, and soothe aching joints. We love Slumber Bath Salts since their packaging allows a few shakes to be dispensed into your tub.

Bath oils are also an excellent addition to any relaxing bath time. A few drops of Midnight Shift in your bath will moisturize your skin, help you calm you, and wind you down.

Group shot of three of Moonlit Skincare's products: Slumber Bath Salts, Midnight Shift Overnight Facial Oil and the Cloud 9 Silk Pillowcase in Night-Sky Navy.

3. Escape Into A Good Book

Think back to the last time you read a book. Reading (we prefer fiction to completely de-stress) invites you to let go of your worries, forget about your to-do list, and sink into an entirely new world of pure entertainment. It’s been shown that reading a book slows your heart rate, relaxes your muscles, and eases anxiety and stress. What better time to pick up a book than when you’re already relaxing in a bath?

Bathtub with a tray holding a book, a few candles and some sage, with the legs of a woman visible in the water under the tray

4. Add a Sprig Of Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a power plant and an ideal plant to add to your bath. It has been used in home remedies for centuries because of its natural decongestant properties. The calming and refreshing smell of the eucalyptus will be released from the plant through the heat of your bath, spreading it throughout the whole room. Tie a sprig of this hearty plant to your faucet or shower head and let the steam release the essential oils. You'll be transported to another place entirely.

A sprig of eucalyptus hung from a shower heaf

5. Listen To An Audio Book or Podcast

The height of luxury is not having to lift a finger to do anything. Audio books offer all the same fun and relaxation of reading a book, but without the need to flip pages or take the book into the bath with you. When you don’t have to actually hold the book, you can rest your head back, close your eyes, and sink into the warm water. For a book rec, we're loving Little Fires Everywhere and Where The Crawdads Sing.

6. Create Mood Lighting And Music

Have you ever been to a spa? When you walk in, you the first thing you notice that immediately sets the tone of your experience is the ambiance. Luckily, that atmosphere is easy to recreate at home. Before your bath, light some candles and place them around the room and tub. If you have a dimmable light, turn it to the lowest setting that you’re comfortable with. Once the lighting is taken care of, turn on some soft classical music to play quietly in the background. You’ll immediately feel like you’ve entered a luxurious spa for a day of relaxation.