It's the New Year! So let's take a deep dive into our newest tips for restful sleep!
Sleeping on the left side allows the stomach to hang naturally (and digest!)
- Our stomach is on the left side so this encourages the development of pancreatic enzymes and keeps other digestive processes humming!
- This position also boosts lymphatic flow
- Great for skin, great for sleep, and excellent for when you eat a liiittle too much at night
- Did you know you can to adjust your phone's color to grayscale
- Settings > General > Accessibility >Display Accommodations >Color Filters. Switch Color Filters on and select Grayscale
- Want to toggle easily between Grayscale and Color? Easy!
- Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Accessibility Shortcut > Color Filters. Now, you just press the home button three times to enable grayscale. Triple-click again to go back to color.
- It's incredible how un-tantalizing your phone becomes- and how less your eyes have to strain. Especially at night!
- To start, inhale for a count of four, then exhale for a count of four (all through the nose, which adds a natural resistance to the breath so you can pace yourself).
- Repeat six times with a small smile to decrease anxiety! (Even when a smile is forced, it still works!)
There's a reason why yogis love this at the end of their practice.
- Begin in a small part (fingers, toes) and then let the feeling take over the rest of your body.
- Imagine and focus on your body part being very, very heavy.
- Say goodnight to each part of your body and thank them for working so hard (Bonus! Gratitude relieves anxiety)
- Interested in how blue light affects the skin? Take a deep dive here (yes, it does lead to collagen breakdown).
- PS. Have you the nightmode feature on our site yet? It's the cute little icon on the left- check it out!
- Obviously, we want to move electronics completely OUT of your bedroom but if you're one of those who absolutely insist on having a TV in there, see if you can adjust the light settings so that they're a dimmer and easier on your eyes